Advanced technology for cleaning indoor air


Use Case


Microbial Remediation

For remediation success in the era of genetics.


Clean air smells like nothing including fragrances. Cleaning particulates from the air and surfaces is the best way to protect against exposure in the indoor environment.

Satisfy Customers—including their doctors, lawyers and adjusters.

AeroSolver Pure is a fog/mist air cleaning product to quickly accomplish what is not likely with HEPA air filtration devices for whole rooms or indoor structures that don't function as unidirectional cleanrooms.  

The particles physically cleaned from the air may still be infectious, allergenic, inflammatory, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or able to reproduce.  It is not possible to select which particles are cleaned from the air to settle to the surfaces. Therefore, the user of this product should take steps to clean particles with physical removal techniques from surfaces with appropriate personal protection.  

This product makes no antimicrobial claims or claims to denature/destroy offending particles that may impact health of humans or animals.  The user is responsible for following all applicable regulations.

Remediation is evolving. Cleaning with source removal is recommended over the use of antimicrobials (ANSI/IICRC S520-2015).  Using odiferous chemicals that mask problems is undesirable. Using only portable HEPA filtration to clean the air is fraught with challenges in terms of engineering appropriate air flow and testing for HEPA filter leaks.  Medical professionals have developed sophisticated transcriptomic test methods and biomarkers that indicate exposure to inflammagens in the environment.  Microbial fragments have cell wall material may not be harmless dust from outdoors depending on the growth conditions before drying occurred.  Genetic test methods are showing dust is more than just dirt.  Doctors can post microbial remediation jobs by post testing their patients for exposure.

AeroSolver is proud to offer the remediation industry a sophisticated yet simple technology for cleaning indoor air.  The cleaning product is formulated to clean rather than poison the air for the most sensitive people.


HEPA filtration is only effective under specific air flow conditions, which are challenging to achieve in remediation environments.  HEPA air filtration rely on mechanical air flow to pull particles through a filter.  AeroSolver uses science to temporarily capture particles in the indoor air so they can be dispersed to surfaces for removal by other physical cleaning methods.  This method employs similar physics utilized for years by the pollution control industry.  It is ideal for ever-changing remediation environments.  Air turbulence reduces the chances of particles traveling to HEPA air filtration devices.  AeroSolver evaporates slowly so particles do not re-aerosolize during damp wiping, yet does not permanently seal to surfaces.  

  • Use AeroSolver to rapidly clean particles from the air to surfaces

  • AeroSolver Pure can be used with chemically sensitive clients

  • Faster and more economical to use than air scrubbers for whole rooms

One of the biggest misconceptions for microbial remediation is appearance of success if to have good spore trap air sample results.  This test method can’t be used to identify small microbial fragments that are nondescript when viewed with a light microscope at the highest magnification.  For health effects, smaller particles are more dangerous since they can penetrate the lungs and blood stream more efficiently.  The diameter of the alveolar pores in the plural lining of the lungs is approximately 5 micrometers.  Research has shown the settling rate of an approximate 2 ½ micrometer spore settled 1 meter in a little more than 1 ½ hours while an approximately 4 ½micrometer spore settled 1 meter in a little less than 30 minutes.  This means remediation could be successful if you only test still air from spores on the floor while ignoring microbial fragments that behave like smoke.

Small particles are harder to control in the air since they are not subject to gravity as much as larger mold whole spores.  ISO cleanrooms are rated by their cleanliness for particles in the air as measured by a laser particle counter.  Depending on the density of the particle, Brownian motion starts occurring at approximately 0.5 micrometer or slightly larger than an endospore from Bacillus bacteria at 0.3 micrometer.  Another size range for cleanrooms is 0.1 micrometer or 100 nanometers (Influenza virus).  The smaller the particle, the harder it is to clean from the air. The problem is air turbulence creates swirls and eddies which in turn creates chaos for cleaning the particles from the air.  Laminar airflow for unidirectional cleanrooms was invented by Sandia Laboratories in 1961 for the nuclear program yet publicized in Time magazine.  In today’s unidirectional cleanrooms, HEPA filtered air is supplied from one side or the ceiling and pulled by exhaust systems opposite the supply wall or ceiling.  The air velocity must be 60 to 120 feet per minute or you will have areas of airborne contamination from submicron particles.  HEPA filtration is only effective under specific air flow conditions, which are challenging to achieve in microbial remediation environments with portable devices.

Overcome this problem after you do demolition and preliminary surface cleaning.  Use AeroSolver product according to directions with the NAMs  and AFDs turned OFF.  Immediately start wiping surfaces to remove particulates and residues.  HEPA filtered vacuuming should always occur before any final misting to avoid cross-contamination.

AeroSolver Pure is an air cleaning product to quickly accomplish what is not likely with HEPA air filtration devices for whole rooms or indoor structures that don't function as unidirectional cleanrooms.  

The particles physically cleaned from the air may still be infectious, allergenic, inflammatory, carcinogenic or mutagenic.  The user of this product should take steps to clean particles with physical removal techniques from surfaces with appropriate personal protection.  

This product makes no antimicrobial claims or claims to denature/destroy offending particles that may impact health of humans or animals.  The user is responsible for following all applicable regulations.